Birth Order Trait

Fourth week already? How fast time flies. 

This week's topic: Is it true that we're all purportedly born with traits/ character that matches our birth order, or is it simply a made-up condition?

First borns are said to be very responsible and is  a leader-type people. They were often be given the responsibility to be in charge of the other siblings and the feeling of 'Oh-I-need-to-take care-of-everyone' tend to grow along towards adulthood. They were often enough to spent their time demonstrating the given 'power' given by parents, therefore the leader role they play in childhood days are quite difficult to throw away. Eldest siblings love to to manage others and sometime they boss people around.*I know this feeling too well. I'm sorry my dear little brother*

There is something called the "Middle child syndrome". Have you heard about it? It is a situation where the middle child often felt neglected and loved less than the eldest and the youngest. This condition is often thought to develop in the middle born child, but it can also develop in any child in between the eldest and the youngest. They also said to be motivated not on their own personal drive but for the love of another or by a cause therefore they tend to strive for success in order to impress others and will be competitive. However, they're often the peacemakers and the flexible ones. They also treasure friendship very much (maybe because they feel alone and neglected by their own family) and usually put people before anything else. *this is one sure thing, my mother always put other people, I mean everyone before herself. And I respect her for this*

Then comes the baby, the youngest ones. They will always be the baby. They have the tendency to be happy-go-lucky charmers because they are often often indulged by their siblings as well as their parents and extended family. They can be a little self-centered because they always have their way and often less disciplines by their parents. The youngest can be fearless and ready to try new experiences. They are also fun-loving and can put others at ease. 

How about the only child?  Words like "selfish" and self-absorbed" are commonly associated with only child. But, is this really true? Only children are in an interesting situation. Since they spent much of their time as kids in the company of adults, they tend to develop special characteristics that will please the elders. They are also not to be very driven but in a quiet way. They also aim to please and desire recognition for their success as well as always expect the best. 

Enough with all the theory already. Now, it is time for the most awaited part (well, for me at least) - The Ramblings! (^O^)

For me, personality grows together with age. It is the matter of how much you mature and how long it takes. I was the eye witness of the situation of an elder son, who always give excuses every time his mother ask him to do something. (maybe he is spoilt by his mother when he was young and all the responsibility of helping the parents is put above her younger sister's shoulder) However, as time past by, and he has his own kids of his own, he began to change! He began to took a bit of the responsibility to took care of her mother from her younger sister. I personally think that he will come to his senses sooner or later, and took care of his mother the way an eldest son should do. Birth order may affect some of the traits of personality but there are many other factors affecting your personality. And I personally think that birth order can't affect your personality as a whole and the personality can develop along with time and environment.

Enough said.

Till then peeps.


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